Intro; Sputnik & Greeb – Space Mining Injury; A Gentleman About Space – A Night at the Space Opera; Orion’s Brew Ad; Perimeter Spacelines
Hey, everyone! Just letting you know that Never Rad is back! We’re doing live shows every third Monday at the Great Arizona Puppet Theater (doors at 6, show at 6:30). That’s February 19th, March 18th, April 15th, and May 20th, 2024 that we have scheduled right now.
The thrilling conclusion of the greatest award show in space.
It’s awards season at the Never Rad Miscellany! Join us as we host the Hot Boy Villain Awards, sponsored by Gerwick’s Tight Pants and Tall Collars.
The Miscellany returns triumphant at a Phoenix Fan Fusion live show, featuring A Gentleman About Space and an important message from the Twin Star Alliance.
Can you hear those spacebells jingling? Join us for a miscellaneous holiday celebration, featuring saucer sales, the trials and tribulations of a starship janitor, legal advice from Sputnik and Greeb, rocket spats, and a festive poem.
In the second half of the Hallow-Rad Space-strazaganza, we finish the super-special episode of space’s number one true crime podcast, Ya Got Murdered, Bitch!
In the first half of the Hallo-Rad MiscellanyOctober Spacestravaganza, Space Lord Cesar Salamander returns triumphant (?) in A Gentleman About Space: A B’Damned Family’s Value. Sal is forced to infiltrate the mysterious B’Damned family to secure what matters most: his family’s fortune. That’s followed up with a super-special episode of space’s number one true crime […]
The Newton in Phoenix, AZ at 3rd Ave and Camelback. Tickets at the $10 door.
Goddammit, Marty.