
Quarantine Update


Hello, Never Rad listeners. Conrad Miszuk here. We’ve been kind of quiet lately for an all too predictable reason. 

We’ve had to cancel all of our upcoming live shows pending a time when we can safely gather a group of people in one place. 

We’re looking at ways of doing some live streaming, but suffice it to say that our usual production schedule is not going to work like we hoped. 

We do have some stuff coming up for you, though, so don’t despair. Right after this, there’s going to be a new episode of Peaceful Digiternia Heights in your feed. We’ve also got some bonus recordings that we’ve been working on—some behind the scenes stuff and some shorts. As always, there’s going to be even more bonus content up on our Patreon feed. We’ve been working out the kinks in our recording situation, so please forgive us if the sound is a little wonky here and there. 

This is a good time to mention that we need to get some equipment to get our full team able to record in their living spaces as I can’t have them over to my recording space, so if you’re able to and it really doesn’t put you in danger of any financial hardships during (echo: These Unprecedented Times), please support us on Patreon. NeverRad.com/Patreon, or look in the description for this episode to grab the link. Anything you can contribute will make producing the show so much easier, and we’ll be able to make the quality so much better. Nobody’s getting paid. It’s all going into gear right now just to make things possible.

If you can’t help financially, then sharing with friends is always a great help. If you haven’t checked it out yet, you can find all of the live shows on YouTube over at NeverRad.com/YouTube. I know that you’re all podcast listeners and that doesn’t make you YouTube viewers, but if your ears AND eyes are free right now, might be worth a look. 

Thank you for listening. We love making this show, and we love having you along for the ride with us. We hope that you are staying safe.