
October Live Streams and Audioverse Voting


GARY NAME:     Hi, I’m Gary Name, lighthouse keeper for Lux Prima Station out here on the edge of the galaxy. I’ve got a very special message for all you galactic citizens out there. Here on Lux Prima Station, I spend a lot of time alone with my thoughts, and sometimes, to help block out my own internal monologue, I like to listen to podcasts. One of my favorite podcasts is the Never Rad Miscellany. They’ve got a couple of important announcements I wanted to share, so listen close!

    This friday, October 23rd 2020 at 7PM Arizona time, on their Twitch Channel (neverrad.com/twitch), The Never Rad Miscellany is  going to be reading some spooky public domain science fiction short stories! I’m told it’s close to Halloween, but there are no seasons in the remotest reaches of space. I know I’ll be tuning in!

    Then the following friday, October 30th, 2020, at 7PM Arizona time, they’ll be doing another one of their original amazing live shows! This time, the theme is a spooky abandoned space station that may be inhabited by ghosts! You gotta be there! You just gotta!

      Also, the Never Rad Miscellany is currently in the running for a few different categories in the AudioVerse Awards.

    The Audioverse Awards reward the best in fiction podcasts every year, using listener votes to determine nominees, winnow the nominee list down to ten finalists in each category, and then finally to determine which of the finalists deserves the win.

    Right now, the awards are in the second step: narrowing the field of nominees down to just the top ten. I’m calling on you, galactic citizens, to help out the Never Rad Miscellany by voting for them in the finalists round.

    There are hundreds of great podcasts represented; all of your favorite podcasts—but, and this is critical, especially the Never Rad Miscellany- deserve your votes.

    The finalist phase closes on October 30th, so please, for me, Gary Name, your friendly neighborhood lighthouse keeper, head over to audioverseawards.net and vote for the Never Rad Miscellany.

    Thanks! And please come visit me! We’ve got rooms for more people than just me! Several more!